Pepper and the Fog
Title card for Pepper and the Fog
Season 4
Episode 13 (in season)
85 (overall)
Air date July 17, 2021
Writer ?Graham Falk
Director ?Julia Pott
?Sarah Lloyd
?Emma Fletcher
?Kent Osborne
Episode guide
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Hall of Mooms ?A Barb is Born

Pepper and the Fog is the last episode of ?Season 4, and the 85th episode overall, released on June 17, 2021. It was written and storyboarded by ?Graham Falk, with story being done by ?Julia Pott, ?Sarah Lloyd, ?Emma Fletcher, and ?Kent Osborne. Its production code is unknown.


After ?the island gets covered in fog, ?Pepper attempts to make it to ?Susie's house.


Who is Susie?

Who is Susie? is a poem that Pepper wrote for Susie in Pepper and the Fog. The text is as follows:

Who is Susie?
She who is lovely as sleep.
She who walks gracefully on feline feet.
She who is in every dream of every dreamer who dreams the most beautiful dream, the dream of Susie. (my only dream!)



  • It is revealed that Pepper has the ability to turn into a cloud.

Cultural References